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Formerly 'Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover', this book is a genuine must-have for anyone looking to start dating. Straightforward, and to-the-point, the author, the renowned mashgiach of Yeshivas Torah Ore in Jerusalem, guides young men and women through the process of conceptualizing and choosing a marriage partner. If you're looking for solid advice from an experienced, wise source, look no further than this valuable book. Topics discussed include: when to start dating, the importance of 'looks', preparing for marriage, and desirable character traits to look for. A favorite is Rabbi Dolinsky's 'Red Light System' which helps resolve the complex problem of continuing to date if and when. The practical examples in this book abound and the advice is sure to inspire all who read it.

A Mashgiach’s Guide To Shiduchim

  • Autor

    R' Mordechai Dolinsky

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